🌸 PCOS Reversal program 🌸

Tell me if this is you. . .

Spent xx years trying all the diets you can find to lose weight only to gain it back 10x fold

Downing 10 supplements hoping it creates magic

Feeling tired 24/7 no matter how much you sleep

No matter what you eat, you're always bloated & constipated

Was told by a doctor your weight is your fault

I have spent yeaaaars being in your position.

At the time, there was not much information online and all I could do was either DIY it or go to the doctor.But everytime I do, I just kept being given the pill (which btw made me so depressed) and told I need to manage my weightSo I sit there, clueless. Where the heck am I supposed to start? and most importantly, HOW?!

What if I tell you that your weight is NOT the problem?

No one will tell you this. So let me.

Your weight is only a SYMPTOM.

A result of the ACTUAL PROBLEM.

That's why you haven't had any progress. You were made to believe that all you need to do is take pills, lose weight & workout till you drop. 😪


A 2-month program using my proven & tested strategy that has helped over 300 women. . .🌸 sustainably lose weight AND they feel good🌸 get rid of intense cravings🌸 eat without getting bloated🌸 have the best sleep they've had in years🌸 wake up energized and ready to conquer the world🌸 rebalance their hormonesand finally. . .🌸 get their period backwithout giving up their favorite cake 🤭

Some of the many wins of the women inside my program 🎉

What's inside the 2 month

🌸 Four juicy 1-on-1 coaching sessions where we dive DEEP into everything you should know🌸 Video modules, worksheets, PDFs to make sure everything I teach you REALLY stick(because I don't like spoon feeding and giving food lists blander than an unseasoned bowl of oatmeal)🌸 Daily support through Telegram because I want to make sure I'm with you every step of the way(kinda like having a PCOS expert in your back pocket 🤭)🌸 Personalized Supplementation Therapy(because who wants to down 20 supplements daily?)🌸 PCOS Movement Guidance so you don't have to follow every single "PCOS" workout you see online(where you won't be holding on to dear life by the end of it)


₱12,500 x2

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